Creation’s curriculum…

27 07 2013

Gunpodwer Trailed



What is this pressure I feel?

I can’t do this straight-lined reasoning —

I’ve tried to live the linear life . . .

climb the ladder . . .


This is not Creation’s curriculum

Paradoxes, anomalies, and mysteries are all about . . .


Why is it we only look up to the heavens for Light?

Could it be Illumination is also underneath?

Underneath the depths of our shadows and darkness . . .

We will only know if we “ride our monsters all the way down!”*


I have heard it said that Light keeps shining in the dark,

and the darkness cannot over take it . . .


Mystery and Paradox —

Creation’s curriculum . . .

(* reference to an Annie Dillard quote from Teaching a Stone to Talk)



cavern falls _2_

Welcoming the “Presence of Slowing”…

23 07 2013

cades cove vista





In the softness of the dawn,

Creation speaks…

Spirit whispers…

“Welcome the ‘Presence of Slowing’* this day…”


(a phrase used by Gerald May in his book “The Wisdom of Wilderness”)

Windcrest Farm Organics – Monroe, NC

20 07 2013

A visit to Windcrest Organic Farm…

Windcrest Sunflower

butterfly on glovecucumber

writing spider

Necessary Paradoxes

13 07 2013






Necessary paradoxes…

“In order to save your life, you have to lose it” I’ve heard it said.

How can one let go of ego unless the ego is strong enough to withstand the releasing?

“I’ve come not to do away with the rules, but to bend them…remold them…complete them” I’ve heard it said…

How can guidelines be completed unless they are in place?

“The least among you is the greatest” I’ve heard it said…

How can we know balance unless we experience falling?


Necessary paradoxes – like trusting the beauty that exists within the mist…


9 07 2013

Little Round Top 1





Monument of General Warren on Little Round Top just before a Gettysburg sunset.

A Gift Given…

6 07 2013

gull at sunrise




“ . . . and a little child shall lead them” it is said.

but who knew from one so young —

an embrace given freely . . .

creating a space within, where soaring is now possible,

stirring the soft waters of peace,

helping me remember . . .

helping me to know that I am loved and valued by Love —

unconditionally –- no strings attached;

and there is nothing I can do about it . . .

a gift given by one so young . . .

and, I suspect, so much wiser . . .




Revolution of the Heart…

4 07 2013

“The greatest challenge of the day is:

how to bring about a revolution of the heart,

a revolution which has to start with each one of us.”

Dorothy Day

JULY 4 4

JULY 4 5

(The quote was sent from Well for the Journey’s – www.wellforthejourney.orgDaily Faith Reflections sent out every weekday morning. The photos were taken at an Independence Day celebration near my home a few years ago)