What’s the pay-off?

19 10 2013

Mountain sunrise





What pay-off is there to living this divided life?

What is it that whispers in my ear telling me to guard my heart so?

What experiences have singed my soul so that living has become something to grasp and hold tightly?

clinched fisted…

choking life…

energy consumed…

I know the wholeness of life, though…

permeating me on Forney Ridge Trail in the quiet mountain air;

speaking to me through the language of wind and evergreens…

welcoming me in the gift of an unexpected hug…

carrying me on the melody of healing music…

Always energy giving…

I know what I long for most…

I know what shepherds me toward living an undivided life…

Do I dare take the risk?


These things I am learning…

vision becomes clearer with the letting go;

I am loved by Love –

and there’s not a thing I can do about this…


And so it is with you…

May we both choose to lean into Life and Love…


18 10 2013

Smokies Sunset1Sunset reflection 1table rock silhouette 2

Wake me up…

11 10 2013





There are forces in this world that entice me;

use chicanery to divide me;

exploits lust within me . . .

I discover the essence of me to be numb and cold . . .

most of my own doing —

withdrawn from loving — there are deep scars here;

resisting being loved –- pain’s potential is too great;

abstaining from engaging life and living it wholly . . .


Wake me up inside!

Mystery, stir trust within so I may lean into the breaking dawn,

piercing the fog of paralysis . . .

Light, awaken my courage so I may participate in living life;

Risking? yes;

Truly living? . . . yes!



Weekend on the Choptank…

7 10 2013

Pictures from a weekend retreat on the Choptank River near Easton, Maryland…

painted sky1


early morning1