Open Windows…

23 01 2014

open window








I tell myself, “don’t open that window –-

others will see the darkness within.”

But I deceive myself –-

I am really afraid of what my own eyes will see.


So keep the windows shut;

bolt the doors;

nail them all shut.

So much energy exerted

trying to harness the dark side of me;

my True-Self  sacrificed on this altar.



Who knew the ordinary would invite the extraordinary?

an analogy opened before me . . .

a parable poised for the telling . . .


Do I dare peer into the vacant darkness?

Do I risk looking beyond framed obscurity into a greater reality?

What monsters will unleash their furor?


yes –- if I want to know the deep wonder of fully living . . .


for sure –- a sign of venturing intimacy . . .


It is hard to turn loose of what we know –- of what is comfortable -–

even if what we hold close is killing us.


But now with doors flung open, light shines where it had not, exposing:

Joy . . .

flowing like a shallow stream at first . . . but streams eventually become deep oceans;

Unknowing . . .

a perpetual adventure in trusting Mystery;

Love . . .

deeper than we have words to speak -–

for ourselves, for others,

for the Mystery we are learning to trust.


And this is all my soul asks –-

courage, strength, and grace to peer into the darkness and truth of who I am;

trusting there is abundant life on the other side, and maybe,

even within the darkness itself . . .

Dance of Light…

9 01 2014
